Your Rights & Rules on Board

We want to get you from A to B feeling safe and happy. So there are few rules we need to share with you.

We have no room for discrimination

Our comfy leather seats don’t discriminate and neither do we. We’re not concerned about your race, your color, what you believe or where you’re from. We just want to get you safely to your destination.

No person or group of persons shall be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability or any other characteristic protected by applicable law. For more details see our Title VI Notice to Beneficiaries (English Title VI Notice to Beneficiaries / Spanish Title VI Notice to Beneficiaries).

Got a complaint?

If you feel you have been discriminated against by a member of Greyhound staff for any of the above reasons while riding with us, we take this very seriously. You can read our discrimination policy for more information (English Title VI Policy / Spanish Title VI Policy). You may file a complaint by completing the Title VI Complaint form (English / Spanish).

Need more information?

For more information on Greyhound's civil rights program and the procedure to file a complaint, you may contact customer service at 214-849-7402 or you may write to the following address:

ATTN: Legal Department
Greyhound Lines, Inc.
PO Box 660362-0362
Dallas, TX 75266-0362

If your English is limited…that's ok!

We want to make sure all our customers have proper access to Greyhound services, information and benefits. So if your English is limited, we’ll do everything we can to help you when you ride with us or use our facilities. You can find out more about this in our English Limited English Proficiency Plan / Spanish Limited English Proficiency Plan, which outlines how we're making our services more accessible to people who speak other languages.

A few dos and don’ts for riding Greyhound

We have a few rules to help us keep everyone safe and happy on board (including you) so please respect these rules when you ride with us:

  • Please stay in your seat while the bus is moving (unless going to the on-board restroom, of course). We want you to enjoy your trip but also have to look out for your safety.
  • There's no smoking allowed on the bus (it’s against federal law). But don’t worry, our buses make frequent scheduled stops so you can have a smoke outside.
  • Please don’t take photos, video or make audio recordings of Greyhound staff, equipment or procedures (most of us haven’t been to acting school and just want to do our jobs).
  • Absolutely no alcohol, drugs or weapons anywhere on the bus (including in your under the bus baggage).
  • This is a stickler for us – no unruly behavior on the bus. No shouting, being loud, or generally disturbing the driver or other passengers. Just chill out, be nice and enjoy the ride.
  • We don’t let animals on board (not even Greyhound puppies). The only exception is legitimate service animals riding together with a disabled person. For more information, see our Customers with Disabilities page.

U.S.Customs and Border Protection Checks



Immigration enforcement sweeps and searches by Department of Homeland Security agents, including Customs and Border Protection or Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, have occurred in the past and may interfere with travel schedules and passenger experiences at Greyhound’s bus terminals or on its buses. For travel in Washington State, you may submit a complaint form to Greyhound if DHS, CBP or ICE agents board a Greyhound bus or conduct law enforcement activity at Greyhound’s Washington State bus terminals. For assistance with a complaint, ask a ticket agent or call 214-849-7420

Greyhound Lines, Inc. does not consent to warrantless immigration enforcement checks on its buses or in non-public areas of its terminals. For more information regarding Greyhound’s policy on warrantless bus searches, please click here.

Additionally, our customers maintain the following rights:

  • You have the right to remain silent.
  • When in doubt, do not answer questions about your citizenship or immigration status or sign any paperwork without the advice of a lawyer.
  • You have the right to ask agents if you are being detained and why.
  • You can refuse a search of your belongings by saying “I do not consent to a search.”
  • You have the right to record video of immigration agents but do not to interfere with their activities.


The use of race or ethnicity as a factor in conducting stops, searches, inspections, and other law enforcement activities based on the erroneous assumption that a person of one race or ethnicity is more likely to commit a crime than a person of another race or ethnicity is illegal. The Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL) reviews and investigates civil rights and civil liberties complaints filed by the public regarding DHS policies and activities, which includes CBP. Persons who wish to file a civil rights or civil liberties complaint with CBP may do so by:

  • Submitting a Civil Rights Complaint
  • Sending an e-mail message to [email protected]
  • Faxing to (202) 401-4708; or Writing to U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, Compliance Branch, 245 Murray Lane, SW, Building 410, Mail Stop #0190, Washington, DC 20528.


American Civil Liberties Union) (ACLU) – (212) 549-2500

If you need legal assistance, please contact the following agencies for help:




Los registros y las inspecciones de inmigración por parte de los agentes del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional, incluidos los agentes de Aduanas y Protección de Fronteras o Inmigración y Aduanas, se han producido en el pasado y pueden interferir con los horarios de viaje y las experiencias de los pasajeros en las terminales de autobuses de Greyhound o en sus autobuses. Para viajar en el Estado de Washington, puede presentar un formulario de queja a Greyhound si los agentes de DHS, CBP o ICE embarcan un autobús de Greyhound o realizan actividades de cumplimiento de la ley en las terminales de autobuses del Estado de Washington de Greyhound. Para obtener ayuda con una queja, pregunte a un agente de boletos o llame al 214-849-7420

Greyhound Lines, Inc. no consiente que se realicen controles de inmigración sin orden judicial en sus autobuses o en áreas no públicas de sus terminales. Para obtener más información sobre la política de Greyhound en las búsquedas de autobuses sin orden judicial, haga clic aquí.

Además, nuestros clientes mantienen los siguientes derechos:

  • Derecho a permanecer en silencio.
  • En caso de duda, no responda preguntas sobre su estado de ciudadanía o inmigración ni firme ningún documento sin el asesoramiento de un abogado.
  • Derecho a preguntar a los agentes si está siendo detenido y por qué.
  • Puede rechazar un registro de sus pertenencias diciendo “No doy mi consentimiento para un registro”.
  • Derecho a grabar video de agentes de inmigración, pero no interfiera con sus actividades.

El uso de la raza u origen étnico como factor para realizar paradas, búsquedas, inspecciones y otras actividades de aplicación de la ley basadas en la suposición errónea de que una persona de una raza u origen étnico es más propensa a cometer un delito que una persona de otra raza u origen étnico es ilegal. La Oficina de Derechos Civiles y Libertades Civiles (CRCL) revisa e investiga las quejas de derechos civiles y libertades civiles presentadas por el público en relación con las políticas y actividades del DHS, que incluyen la CBP. Las personas que deseen presentar una queja sobre derechos civiles o libertades civiles ante la CBP pueden hacerlo:



American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) – (212) 549-2500

Si necesita asistencia legal, póngase en contacto con las siguientes agencias para obtener ayuda: